Home News UK & Ireland’s largest Safe Deposit Box provider planning international expansion with...

UK & Ireland’s largest Safe Deposit Box provider planning international expansion with the opening of Vaults in Barcelona and New York


Safe storage provider Merrion Vaults is opening new facilities in the US and Spain

The Irish company is also opening a facility in Edinburgh as part of an ongoing expansion.

SAFE DEPOSIT BOX provider Merrion Vaults plans to open new facilities in the UK, Spain and US over the next six months as part of an ongoing international expansion.

Since 2013, the company has provided a vault for storing valuables in Dublin city centre. Over the years, it has opened similar safe deposit box facilities in Glasgow, Newcastle, Nottingham and Liverpool.

Séamus Fahy, co-founder and director of Merrion Vaults, pictured left, said the company plans to open safekeeping storage in Edinburgh within the next two months.

It is close to securing a site in Manhattan, New York, and is currently looking for property in Barcelona. Both of those locations are expected to open by early 2020.

Fahy explained that the company has set up websites promoting soon-to-launch storage facilities in around 100 locations.

“The websites basically say, ‘Coming soon, join our waiting list.’ If we get a certain number of enquiries, we know it’s going to work in those cities. That’s how we do our market research,” he told Fora.

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